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Be the voice for a villager.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”
~Anne Frank

We're excited you're considering backing our mission to empower rural Rwandans toward self-sufficiency. Every donation counts, big or small. With options for everyone, your contribution, whether recognized or anonymous, will profoundly impact lives. Thank you for considering joining us in creating change!

Give by credt card

You hold the transformative power! For a mere $75, you can provide a water filter, training, and maintenance to a family of up to five, giving life-changing access to clean drinking water for an entire decade!

Or, for $8,000, corporations and churches can provide water filters for an entire village!

This isn't just about hydration; it's about:

safeguarding health,

breaking the chains of waterborne illnesses, and

enabling families to embrace a future free from scarcity.


Embark on this vital journey to quench the thirst for change, nourishing bodies, and dreams. 

Donor Privacy Policy: Hope Springs Africa safeguards donor personal information, refraining from selling, trading, or sharing it without explicit consent.

Purified water isn't a luxury; it's a lifeline.
~Rhonda G. Mincey


In Rwanda, less than 60% of the population has access to clean drinking water within 30 minutes of their homes (UNICEF, 2023). Many people resort to boiling water, a time-consuming and imperfect solution that drains precious resources and fails to eliminate all contaminants. Can you imagine what it takes to boil water before you can drink it?

several ways you can give:


Regular donations made on an annual or monthly basis by individuals.


In-Kind Donations

Non-monetary contributions such as goods, services, or equipment provided to Hope Springs Africa instead of cash.


Significant donations, of  $5,000 or more, typically given by individuals, churches, corporations, or foundations.


Includes websites, mobile apps,  social media, and peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns.


Includes sponsorships, in-kind donations, employee matching gift programs, and corporate foundation grants.


Funding provided by private or community foundations to support nonprofit programs and initiatives.


When you give to Hope Springs Africa, you:


  • Witness the tangible results of your contributions.

  • Receive regular updates and stories of impact.

  • Cultivate a sense of personal fulfillment and purpose.

  • Align your giving with your faith and values.


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